Dallas Chapter of The Military Order of the World Wars

Project information

  • Portfolio: Logo and Graphic Design, Photography, Responsive website using wordpress
  • Skill(s): Photoshop, PHP, WordPress, HTML5
  • Project URL: https://dallasmoww.org/

This proud veterans organization was referred to PremiumScapes Consulting by one of its own memebers. Their current website was lacking in many ways and needed a total redesign. Upon meeting with the leaders of MOWW Dallas a contract was signed to not only redo the website but also to maintain and update it regularly. Their staff was made up of retired generals and officers from all branches of the military. This honorable group of veterans explained what all they really needed to help keep the members of The Dallas Chapter of MOWW active participants and informed. 

Several items were added to the new website that helped all the members stay active participants. An MOWW EVENT CALENDAR was created to allow the members to quickly and easily find out about upcomming meetings and events. A shopping cart feature was also added that allowed memebers to signup for and pay for Dallas MOWW luncheons and banquets

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